Saturday, August 31, 2019

Tomorrow is a Fresh Start

Any day has the opportunity to be a good one as well as any day has the opportunity to be a bad one. Each individual day is on its own, having no relation to any previous day. Those days where it just keeps dragging on, and you can’t wait for the sun to rise in the morning to have a fresh start. This dreadful day has finally come to an end, but nothing picks you up more than the sunrise the next morning. The sunrise is saying that it is a new day, and is giving you an opportunity to either put the previous day behind you, or keep it with you and make the most out of your past experiences.Even though we look at the sunrise as just the sun rising above the horizon, there is much more to this action that not only affects us day to day, but for a lifetime. There are many times where you are not looking forward to the sunrise the next morning. It could be because of a big project due the next day, a test, or just going on with your unamusing life. Going to school is a big part in n ot wanting to get up in the morning. You may think that you are the only one who dreads waking up and having to take three tests, then run around the gym for 25 minutes, but you’re not alone.Many thoughts come into your mind on trying to figure out why you have to take these actions. You ask yourself; when will I ever use algebra in real life, why do I need to know what the 17th amendment is, or wonder what good it will do to know the capital of Zimbabwe. Everyone is forced to take these actions whether or not you think they are necessary. If laying in your bed for days was an option, everyone would take the easy road out. Some people go with this option and end up not making anything of themselves, because they are lazy and avoid any sort of challenge.Those who choose to get up, know where they would rather be, but are accepting any future challenges. When you finally do decide to get up in the morning and see the sunrise, you get that feeling in your gut that is really hopi ng for the day to just be over. Many emotions can come from the action of the sun rising, which happens every 24 hours. You know that there is nothing you can do to stop it, but will do everything in your power to avoid it. A sunrise can and should be looked at as a positive action.. It can be looked at as another day to add to your accomplishments, or to start over on a clean slate.When you wake up in the morning and the sun is slowly rising, an excitement occurs as the new day is approaching. Every day comes with a new challenge. This could be a big test, a championship game, or something as simple as buying a new dress for a special occasion. Many people are afraid . Some of these obstacles you may want to avoid or pass on to another day, but the sunrise is helping you conquer that obstacle. As the day of October 29th was coming to an end, I could not wait for the the sun to rise. There was so much that was going on the next day. I could barely sleep; all I wanted was it to be th e next day.When the sun finally rose, my birthday had arrived. I jumped out of my bed in excitement because this day had all the right tools to be perfect. I had a big soccer game going on, a nice lunch made for me, and no big test or quizzes going on during the day. Everything was going great until I looked outside for a moment. The sun was gone, and the moon had taken its place. I didn’t want this day to end. I was unsure on what the next day would lead to. As I thought about the day coming to an end more, I realized that the unknowingness is the best part of a new day.It may be bad, but I will never know what will happen unless I accept the sunrise. I woke up the next morning unamused to start the new day, knowing that it will not compare to the what had happened yesterday. But I did go in with an open mind, and ended up receiving hand fulls of candy. Not only was is Halloween, but the day had a positive vibe to it, that I never would’ve expected. If I had keep my m ind in the past and only focused on what had happened the day before, none of this could’ve happened. One specific sunrise that not only myself but everyone involved had mixed feelings about is the day of and after graduation.We have seen our peers go through it, and never imagined ourselves being in that situation. Some will look at the sunrise as it all coming to an end, and others will look at it as a new beginning. I am unsure on what my reaction will be when this day comes but know that I am forever grateful for everything that I have learned prior to this anticipated sunrise. This is one that can not be avoided, no matter how hard you try. When the sun rises on that perfect night, all of our lives will change. It won’t be instantly, but over time that sunrise will forever affect how we are as people.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Review Of Herman And Chomsky Essay

The ‘Manufacturing Consent’ of media operations written and applied by Edward Herman and   Noam Chomsky say   that elite mass media are united and interlocked with other institutional sectors in ownership, management and social circles. In democratic societies mass media plays an important role. They respond to public concerns and create awareness to the state policies important events and view points. The fundamental principles of democracy depend upon the notion of a reasonably informed electorate   that reflects   public opinion and respond to public concerns Media is an integral part of the society, media need not be controlled or set to a pattern they work united with other sectors.(European Journal of Communication; 2002, pg.147). Herman and Chomsky’s propaganda model has been named as ‘conspiracy theory’ because of its determined view of media behavior, according to them mass media are instruments of power that mobilize support for special interests that dominate the state and private activity and mass media acts in unison with other sectors, i.e. the academy, to establish, enforce, reinforce and police corporate hegemony. (European Journal of Communication 2002, pg148) .   Herman and Chomsky reject the ‘conspiracy label’ however ‘the Manufacturing Consent’s emphasis is on motives of media behavior, in relation to institutional controls.(Herman and Chomsky ;1988,pg 1-35). The model assumes that media designs should be explained in structural terms. According to Herman and Chomsky there are five major ‘filtering’ mechanisms which structure the news content. The authors admit that propaganda model cannot give every detail of such a complex matter as the working of the national mass media, the model does not assume that news reporters, editors and other workers are instructed or typically compelled to omit some voices and emphasize others, the model outlines circumstances under which media will be comparatively ‘open’ or ‘closed’. As micro-analysis is not the task of the Propaganda Model, it only provides an overview of the system at work, making sense out of a confusing picture by removing the main principles of the system, the basic argument in this context   is that meanings are easily ‘filtered’ by restrictions that are made in the system. The authors argue that meanings are formed at odd levels, as the decisions are understood to be natural and sensible, however the authors do not imply that newsroom workers always make decisions to align themselves with the interests of the dominant elites.(Rai,1995:pg46) Herman and Chomsky write that all news material goes through five inter related filter restrictions. Leaving only cleansed residue fit to be printed.(Herman and Chomsky;1988:pg 3-14). The five filter elements are: (1) the size, concentrated ownership, owner’s wealth, and profit orientation of the dominant mass-media; (2) advertising as the primary income source of the mass media. (3) the reliance of the media on information provided by government, business, and experts funded and approved by the primary sources and agents of power. (Martin and Knight 1997,pg 253-254). (4) Opposition as means of disciplining the media; (5) anti-communism as a national religion and control mechanism.(Herman ,cited in Wintonick and Achbar,1994:pg108). The first filter restriction emphasizes that media are closely interlinked and share common interests with other dominant sectors as corporations, the state, and banks. The dominant media sectors are large firms with large businesses; they are controlled by very wealthy people or by their managers who are subject to sharp restrictions by the owners. The second filter emphasizes that the news production process is highly influenced by advertising values ,most media must sell markets(readers) to buyers(advertisers).This dependency can directly influence media   performance, Chomsky   remarks   that media content reflects the interests of the sellers, the buyers, and the product . Herman contends that the application of the first and second filters of the   propaganda model has greatly influenced the economy the communications industries, and politics went through dramatic changes the two filters ,ownership and advertising have become even more important. The third filter is the news gathering process, the dominant elite provide press releases, copies of speeches, periodicals, photos, and thus government and corporate sources are attractive to media only for economic reasons. The third filter stresses that the opinions by corporate and state sources are adapted to class interest and market force. Herman and Chomsky stress that the nature of the mutual relationship between media and sources directly affect the media performance. The powerful can use personal relationships, threats, rewards, to influence media. The media under obligations may carry untrue stories in order not to offend their close relationship with the sources. The fourth filter, flak, means the state the dominant social institution which has power and resources to force the media to play a propagandistic role in society Herman and Chomsky explain that flak refers to negative responses to media statement, it may involve individuals or independent action, and the authors contend that preferred meanings are structured by dominating official sources, in this way news may be skewed in the desired direction. The fifth filter, the anti-communism has been replaced by ‘otherness’ It’s the idea of scaring people, creating fear, hatred, and discontent aroused by social and economic conditions, to prevent them from realizing to what is really happening to them.(Chomsky 1998: pg48).The authors maintain that media shapes public opinion by controlling how ideas are presented; the five filters curb the flow of the news as it passes through its gates and can easily limit what can be big news. Herman and Chomsky state that these five filter constraints are the essentials of propaganda model, the members of the power elite try to shape the beliefs and attitudes and opinions of the people through the media, free and open discussions are part of the process but leaders utilize deceit and violence to combat individuals and institutions as the public does not agree with the opinion of the power elite. The world politics has seen radical changes since the demise of communism in the former Soviet Union as mentioned in the Manufacturing Consent. The fifth filter is termed ‘the dominant ideology ’through out this book, however,   anti –communism   has been emphasized as the ideological elements that are most important in terms of discipline and control mechanisms. The Manufacturing Consent, gives a vague description of the fifth filter its ideology helps to mobilize people against an enemy it can be used against any policies that threaten property interests or support the communist states and radicalism, the model presumes that media performance is understood as the outcome of market forces, the dominant media are deeply and firmly imbedded in the market system, the main information sources ,the media depends on   are the government and major business firms. Herman and Chomsky view media as dominant ideological apparatus same   as mentioned in the thesis by William Domhoff in his book ,The Powers That Be: Processes of Ruling Class Domination in America. (Domhoff 1979,pg 169). Domhoff contends that the   four basic processes through which the ruling class ‘rules’ are (1)the special interest process;(2)policy formation process;(3)candidate selection; and(4)the ideological process, the Herman and Chomsky’s theory is the mirror of Domhoff’s theory of ideological apparatus for dominant elites.(Domhoff;1979,179-183). The Canadian sociologist Wallace Clement writes about the ruling class of Canada, he states through observation that the ruling elite have remained consistent over the past century. The institutional links within Canada are at elite level, ownership of capital is highly concentrated.(Canadian Corporate Elite;1975). Another Canadian sociologist Patricia Marchak (1988;pg122),stresses that the main question is under what conditions the state would be obliged to act only with reference to the interests of the capital. When such conditions are obtained universally, and when they do, the validity of Propaganda Model is likely to increase.(Patricia Marchak;1988,pg34). Herman and Chomsky do not claim that media acts only to circulate propaganda. The Propaganda Model   Ã‚  describes ‘the forces that cause the mass media to play a propaganda role’ they also argue that media not only serve the political and economic interests of dominant elite but also of the state. The authors admit that the propaganda model does not explain everything in every context it deals with the patterns of media behavior and performance. The elite media decides what topics, issues, and events that are to be considered ‘news worthy’ by the lower-tier media and establish the general discourse, they determine, they select,   they shape,   they control, they restrict in order   to serve the dominant elite groups in the society. This system is at odds with reality as the powerful are able to decide what the general public is allowed to see, hear, think and create public opinion by regular control. Individual powerlessness grows in the face of globalizing market; support organizations as the labor unions are weakened .In the final pages of Manufacturing Consent Herman and Chomsky acknowledge that the system is not all powerful, the domination of media by government and the elite have not overcome Vietnam syndrome and public hostility to direct US involvement in destabilization and over throw of foreign governments.   Herman and Chomsky took the phrase ‘manufacturing consent’ from the influential American journalist Walter Lippman who advocated consent engineering. He said common good should be managed by small specialized class. The creation of consent is not a new art, it was supposed to have died out with the birth of democracy but it is very much alive, it is now based on analysis rather than on rule of thumb. The engineering of consent is the essence of democratic process, (Bernays; 1947, cited in Wintonick and Achbar, 1994; pg41). the freedom of speech, press, petition, and assembly; the freedoms to make the engineering of consent possible are the most cherished guarantees of the Constitution of the United States.(Lippman, cited inRai,1995;pg23).   John Jay was the first chief justice of the Supreme Court he said ‘those who own the country ought to govern it’ in other words it is necessary to ensure that those who own the country are happy or else all will suffer, for they control investment and determine what is produced and distributed and what benefits will trickle down to those who rent themselves to the owners when the y can. The propaganda model contends that media content is organized to manufacture consent and to prevent opposition media content serves political ends the media makes choices that establish and define ‘worthy’ and ‘unworthy’ causes. The news coverage devoted to government(state)policy in general(foreign and domestic) by the elite to generate audience interest and sympathy in some stories while directing attention away from other stories Media take close interest in the Third World and their interconnections with the   government.(Herman and Chomsky,1988;pg13-14). The authors write that media treats victims of oppression and state terrorism differently, depending on the perpetrators. The ‘unworthy victims’ (victims of oppression and /or state terrorism perpetrated by us (Canada, the US and the other capitalist democracies), and ‘worthy victims’ (victims of oppression and/or state terrorism perpetrated by official enemy states).Different treatment is observed in sourcing and evaluating stories, full swing investigation in search of villain and of high officials, to humane treatment more prominent coverage. In case of ‘unworthy victims’ of enemy crimes, allegations are simply invented they have to rely on official US. sources unless they prove it wrong in which case they are avoided(Cambodia under Pol Pot is a case in point).It predicts that the victims of state terrorism/violence that is perpetuated by the democracies or client states will be given treatment that can be seen to serve political ends (Chomsky, 1988; pg34). The writers as moral agents are trying to bring the truth about matters of human significance to an audience that can do something about them. My personal view is that citizens of democratic societies should take a definite course of self- defense to protect their rights with the help of radio and television, advertising and public relations to safe guard their rights from being manipulated. The Independent mind must be allowed to develop and grow in a free society it is a difficult task as in today’s free society, consent is manipulation of public opinion. I do agree with the writers, in my view the young minds should separate themselves from the official manipulative system. Thus the writers are invested with a moral responsibility to tell the truth, it is a very difficult task to perform today even in our free society. Works Cited Clement, W. (1975) Canadian Corporate Elite: Analysis of Economic Power. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart. Domhoff, William G. (1979) The Powers That Be: Processes of Ruling Class Domination in America. New York: Vintage Books. European Journal of Communication (2002) SAGE Publications (London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi), Vol 17(2): 147–182. [0267–3231(200206)17:2; 147–182; 023691] Martin, Michele with Graham Knight (1997) Communication and Mass Media: Culture, Domination and Opposition. Toronto: Prentice-Hall. Wintonick, Peter and Mark Achbar (1994) Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media. Montreal: Black Rose.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Six Sigma DMAIC Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Six Sigma DMAIC Process - Essay Example There is, in turn, an increasing support for the view that a Six Sigma team can do its work better in process and product improvement if the project uses the DMAIC approach. This paper aims to gain a better understanding of the DMAIC process by dissecting the corresponding tools that make it such a widely accepted instrument for a Six Sigma quality improvement plan. The Six Sigma process is about organizational change and the six elements referred to in the term, which serve as its change agents, are: leadership, champions, sponsors, master black belts, black belts and green belts (Pyzdek online). The reference to karate cannot be helped because the concept was developed by the Japanese who took over Motorola in the 1970s when competition was driving the US operations of the Japanese company to the edge of bankruptcy. One of the main reasons was that Motorola, which manufactured the Quasar TV sets in the US, could not keep up with foreign competitors who were able to produce high-quality products at lower costs. The Japanese themselves are credited with the earlier conceptualization of total quality management in their tenacious search for quality improvement in the 1950s. This was adopted in the US in the 1960s and in Europe in the 1980s. TQM attacks problems on product or service efficiency based on the premise that all activities in an organ ization contribute to quality or lack of it. However, total quality management has lately come into disuse because of perceptions that quality improvement is an exclusive function of the quality department such that it is confined to the assigned quality circles and a few industrial engineers. Thus, it is concentrated on enhancing the organizational processes with the use of statistical methods and on defect reductions, with less consideration given to improving the bottom line (Das online). The Six Sigma method has a more expanded an all-encompassing focus. At Motorola, the Japanese carried out the first Six Sigma project by finding ways to make production better, faster and cheaper, using the same workforce, the same technology and designs but a different management approach (Pyzdek online). As a result, Motorola was soon producing with less than 1 percent of the number of defects noted before in its products and services. Both the complete Six Sigma principle and the Lean Six Sigma version, when put to use with the participation and commitment of all departments, have proven effective in realizing significant savings in operational costs, speeding up the product life cycle and reducing non-value added activities (George, 2002). The complete Six Sigma process may be applied to cost-cutting and reducing variations while the Lean Six Sigma version may be applied only to 3 or 4 operational areas, such as the human resource, production and service

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Research critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research critique - Essay Example For purposes of this analysis, the following article, â€Å"Why do students fail to disclose health problems?† will be analyzed. As a means of doing this, the basic premises of the research will be reviewed, weighed, analyzed, and a level of inference drawn. Moreover, the author will seek to lay out the basic statements and findings and analyze them in such a way as to seek to agree or disagree with the findings that have been presented. To the piece’s credit, the title directly expresses to the reader the type of study which will therein be undertaken. Such a point may seem superficial; however, the fact of the matter is that a large number of studies will delve directly into the subject matter without taking the time to ensure that the potential reader has a firm explanation of the topic in a way that even a laymen would understand (Skinner 2011, p. 4). As such, the piece in question clearly and succinctly lays out the topic before moving on to describing the research which will be performed, measured, and interpreted. Likewise, the reader is introduced to the rational for performing such a study within the opening lines as well as within the abstract to the piece itself. This rational is based upon the fact that the given level of dishonesty is hurting the academic process itself and should sought to be understood as a means to better hone the process as well as determine to the extent that the dishonesty is currently taking place. In much the same way, the article begins by utilizing a well written abstract which details the way in which the measurements and the study will proceed (Ryan 2007, p. 740). This is of course done as a way to further provide the reader with a level of detail of specificity as well as clear aim with regards to the means whereby the study will be carried out, measured, and inferred upon (Marshal 2005, p. 56). Though this analysis of the piece will find fault with certain aspects of the study, the fact remains that with regards to the specificity of the abstract and/or the title, both have been done in a way that necessarily helps the reader/potential reader to understand the full scope of the work that is about to be engaged upon. In much the same way, the authors themselves are credible as they are professionals within the field and have provided a level of scholarship on other related topics in the past. This prior scholarship and publication helps to give the authors a degree of credibility when attempting to understand, analyze, and dissect the given piece in question. With respect to the methodology for the study that was presented within the case in question, it was both qualitative and quantitative. Due to the fact that respondents were tabulated and outcomes were drawn from this tabulation, the research took on a decidedly quantitative approach; however, at the same time, levels of expression were gleaned from the individual interviews which were also reported within the research. The com bination of both forms of data helps to make the research more thoroughly grounded rather than simply exclusively reliant on one form or the other. With respect to the quantitative and qualitative data itself, the following brief paragraph will discuss the means by which

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Discuss the detail information of the movie Rossie the Riveter Essay

Discuss the detail information of the movie Rossie the Riveter - Essay Example The movie explains about the life of a plant worker Rosalind Warren, and the way in which she struggles to survive as a plant worker during war time 1944. Apparently, the main message of the movie was to emphasis on the equality of gender and race and how women can work her way towards success with her will power and determination. In this movie the Rosie with her friend Vera Watson and two other male colleagues had to share the last room which was available in town, while working for a factory. This movie clearly portrays the gender and race economics through the character of â€Å"Rosie† and also conveys how the government aimed at persuading the American women to join the work force to enhance the economy and also to build the lives of women themselves. The movie was focusing on the factor that gender is never an issue when it comes to work, and, every individual had the right to work hard and earn their livelihood. The main propaganda behind this movie was to explain the r acial discrimination, gender inequality and economical downturn during the World War II. The economic status of the war time demanded a revolution and highly necessitated a need for the women of the American society to join the workforce. This process stole many positions of men as women occupied positions which required masculinity and courage as equal to male workers. Here the movie points out the life experience of Women in the war front and the process by which they came forward to join the workforce competing with men. Here the division between men and women has been erased to a major level and female power is focused on. The traditional image of women is given a twist and her empowerment as a female power is highlighted and exalted. The Movie projected the working phase of three black women and two white women during the World War II industrial revolution. The movie shows that the racial and gender discrimination were put off from the minds of American culture and equality was promoted to bring about justice and rights to women in the society. This action of the government gave a message to the public that women could handle both home and profession at same time successfully. Rosie the lead character of the movie had to live with men along with her female friend and this was not an easy task for women of that century, in which existed lot of social taboos on female. This movie however, had eluded many feminist historians as the female characters of the movie were epitomes of courage, determination and positive thinking. Moreover, the movie showed how the black women can rise in the society as a worker and home maker like other races without facing any bias and prejudice. The three black women and the two white women portrayed in the movie come as an example for the future generation to understand that the race and gender should not be criteria when it comes to employment opportunity. Here in the movie the high spirits, undying energy, positive mind and s trength of women are highlighted in a profound manner. These female characters in the movie were excited about working in a risky atmosphere and were eager to make money on their own to have a livelihood. The female characters in the movie took over job which was done previously by military men and this was a factor of awe and inspiration for the women in the society. This could be the main reason why the character ‘

Monday, August 26, 2019

Team Locomotive Charter Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Team Locomotive Charter - Assignment Example All of us have different skills and interests. But we decided to use our skills and interests in a fruitful manner so that each and every member of our team may benefit from the skills of others. As a group, we have created the shared goals of inspiring each member to pursue excellence inside and outside of the classroom. We also hope to improve our ability to communicate effectively as a diverse unit. Since we are from different parts of the world our effective communication might be obstructed by the language barriers. But we know that more than 80% of the ideas are communicated through nonverbal means. So language barrier may not affect us much. In addition, we hope to broaden our cultural horizons while learning how to effectively work as a unit. Globalization has brought many changes in the business world and most of the major companies are operating internationally now in order to exploit the business potentials in other countries. Even the biggest companies like Microsoft, Apple etc are looking for every expansion opportunities in other countries. Such internationalization of business has raised the importance of a multicultural workforce in organizations at present. It is difficult for Microsoft or Apple to operate in a country like India or China with the help of the Americans alone. They need a blend of the diverse workforce including the Americans, Indians, and Chinese in order to sustain their business successfully in these countries. Diversity in our group will definitely help us to learn more about how to work in a multicultural team environment and these learning may help us in our future endeavors also. Without establishing expectations, our goals would be nearly impossible to accomplish. We set our expectations high. We expect each member to attend each meeting unless an emergency arises. We also expect each member to put forth 100% at all times.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Saudi Arabia - Essay Example The Ministry of Fish Resources is now in charge of all fishing enterprises in territorial waters. This organization tracks the status of the various fisheries and conducts studies designed to improve the status of all fisheries under their scope of responsibility. With this supervision, several restrictions and controls have been implemented, which have had the effect of developing fishing seasons and identifying the various types of shrimp and other marketable fish such as Alenagel. Thanks to the modern media, the benefits of modern fishing have been demonstrated to traditional fishermen in Saudi Arabia. With the increasing demand, Khalifa Algosaibi helped establish the kingdom’s first modern fishing company in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. The company introduced modern fishing boats and founded a facility for the manufacturing and storage of fish and fish products. With this introduction, the kingdom witnessed a leap in their economy, marking the foundation of this company as a turn ing point in the country’s efforts to diversify from its main export – oil. This shift caused a change in the pattern of domestic consumption as well as an increased demand for fish from both the local population and those individuals who have been recruited to work in Saudi Arabia. The primary means for catching fish in both the Gulf and the Red Sea are now benthic trawls and Shanchola nets. The primary seafood caught in the Gulf regions are Kofi shrimp, Gulf shrimp, bathroom fish, Alhamur, Alkanad, and others.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Role of transfer in second language acquisition Essay

Role of transfer in second language acquisition - Essay Example Most researchers now presuppose that innate principles and transfer interact in L2 development, but researchers have varying positions on how these interactions take place (Gass 1996). This paper explores second language (L2) acquisitions theories and their analysis of the role of transfer. Universal-grammar based approaches contend that transfer has a significant role to play in L2 acquisition through the exercise of innate principles (Universal Grammar or UG) (Gass 1996:330). Two major alternatives explanations have been expressed by studies. First, learners have access to UG either (a) completely, in the way that children do, or (b) partly, in ways that other variables, such as L1 may interrelate with UG and avoid complete access to UG. Second, learners cannot access UG (Gass 1996:330). When exploring these possibilities, the first (UG access) hints that UG is the preliminary access stage for L2 grammar development. In the strong account of UG access, UG limits grammar development through the complete process of L2 acquisition; in the weak account, UG is the initial point, but the L1 is a vital part of the process, successfully stopping the full use of UG (Gass 1996:330). The second likelihood indicates that the L1 is the preliminary point and provides the foundations on which L2s build up (Gass 1996:330). Principles are important in second language acquisition and accessible to all humans during the acquisition of L1.Otsu and Naoi (1986) studied the principle of Structure Dependence, which asserts that linguistic rules work through structural units, through investigating data from Japanese learners (ages 14-15) of English (Gass 1996:330). The focus was on L2 question formation with subjects that have relative clauses (Gass 1996:330). In Japanese, questions are made by adding a particle without changing the word order. This means that from L1, there is lack of available information on how question formation is processed in English (Gass 1996:330). Generally, the subjects observed the limitations of the structure dependency, although by the age of the subjects, the results may not directly shape L2 acquisition as adults (Gass 1996:330). The goal of the study was to establish access to a principle that cannot be found in L1. Nevertheless, White accurately recommends that this principle may still manifest in NL through other structures (Gass 1996:330). If this is true, it is not certain if UG is directly accessible to L2 learners or whether it is accessible through the L1 (Gass 1996:330). Another theory that has recently surfaced is the Full Transfer/Full Access theory (FTFA) (Schwartz and Sprouse 1996), which has greatly influenced the literature. This theory argues that at the beginning of L2 acquisition, the L1 grammar is being transferred in full (except the phonetic structures of lexical items). Consequently, this grammar will be restructured, as limited by the UG (Schwartz and Sprouse 1996). Hence, the L1 provides the foundation for L2 acquisition. It suggests that a Turkish speaker learning English will use grammar based on Turkey, so that the English language can be learned. For instance: 1) I see a red house. 2) Ben k?rm?z? bir ev gorurum. In order to learn number one, Turkish speakers use their L1 grammar. In the Competition Model (Bates and MacWhinney 1981), transfer plays a large role. The model assumes that form and function cannot be detached from one another, which is its

Critical evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Critical evaluation - Essay Example t supplementary facts that were expected from the implementation of the smoke-free legislation, as they acknowledge, â€Å"Our study is part of a comprehensive evaluation of Scotland’s smoke-free legislation† (Haw & Gruer, 2007: 549). The researchers successfully deal with the comprehensiveness of the topic of their study. Though previous researches on the air quality of the public places of Scotland refer to the subsequent impact of the smoke-free legislation, their acute limitation was that they do not tell much about the impacts on the private places. Haw and Gruer’s comprehensive approach to the research topic pertinently includes the exposure of the non-smokers in the private places. Such comprehensive approach to the changes in exposure aids the readers to achieve an overall picture of the change in exposure. Another thing is remarkable that the researchers are more concerned to prove the consistency of the findings of their paper with other studies than to clarify the concepts of â€Å"exposure to second-hand smoke† (Haw & Gruer, 2007: 549) and the parameters of â€Å"change† that they are dealing in the paper. Significantly their paper lacks any efficient literature review that could have clarified the outline of their research topic and other related concept. Also it lacks a sufficient literature review to support its methodology and other approaches to the research topic. Haw and Gruer do not tell anything about ethical approval by any ethic committee. Also they do not describe the maintenance of ethical issues for the paper. As to research method, Haw and Gruer chose the cross-sectional approach for their research. But the flaw within their methodological approach is that though in the first place they chose the cross-sectional method, they used longitudinal data also. Though they expressed the aim of the study as â€Å"to measure change in adult non-smokers’ exposure to secondhand smoke in public and private places after smoke-free legislation was

Friday, August 23, 2019

Feminist analysis of the film pretty woman Research Paper

Feminist analysis of the film pretty woman - Research Paper Example The first wave is mainly referred to women’s suffrage, the second wave is associated with the liberation movement of women and the third one is related and can be felt through the continuation of the movement through the reaction evolved in the field of art and literature and perceived as the failure of the second-wave of feminism which began in the 1990s. The first wave of feminism is related with suffrage movements of the nineteenth and first-half of the twentieth century. This particular wave in the feminist movement was concerned with the women’s right to vote. The second wave of feminism began in 1960s and was related with the major focus on women liberation which campaigned for the equality of women in legal and social front. In cultural context, feminist film, art or literature evolves out of the movement and forms its four distinct principles pertaining to four schools of thoughts. Also sometimes pieces of art, literature or aesthetics are judged and viewed from the feminist perspective. The same perspective can be judged after giving a close introspection to the film â€Å"Pretty Woman† which appeared on the silver screen in the year 1990 as a romantic comedy written by J. F. Lawton and directed by Garry Marshall. The film stars casted Richard Gere and Julia Roberts in the leading roles along with Hector Elizondo and many others. The plot of the movie centres round the down-on-her-luck prostitute from Hollywood, Vivian Ward who acts as an escort to the rich businessman Edward Lewis for a week in his business trip. The story is all about their brief period of staying together and their growing relationships. This film can be viewed from a strong feminist bent and all the four critical theories and principles of feminism somewhere peep through the lighter plot of the film. Thesis Statement This essay tends to analyse myriad subtle and intricate feminist perspectives and interpretations entwined within the plot of the film. The essay also intends to discuss the critical role of the four principles of feminism operating throughout the film. Pretty Woman: A Feminist Discourse The plot of the film centres round seduction; love and its development of a Hollywood prostitute Vivian with a robot like multi-millionaire, Edward Lewis. At the outset of the movie we are introduced to a woman who is not doing well with her business of prostitution. The body of Vivian (played by Julia Roberts) is subjected or rather exposed for material pleasure and as a prostitute, Vivian sells her body and her body is likely to be viewed as a mere commodity. The critical theory of liberal feminism plays well here. According to the theory or principle, the parameter of gender prejudice is based on the individual ignorance. And education is seen as the key tool against the battle for gender discrimination (Sociology, â€Å"Feminism: Basic Principles†). In the film, the prostitute Vivian is not educated and so she is compelled to choos e a profession where no much brain work is needed. But during her stay with Edward Lewis we can hear few real wise statements from her which proves her intelligence. Also Vivian at the first acquaintance with any person irrespective of men or women gives the option that she is ready to be called by the name that the other person pleases. This kind of an instruction clearly indicates a threat to the existence of Vivian as an entity and creates an existential crisis for her. With Vivian,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

California State Law Essay Example for Free

California State Law Essay What Bidders Edge did may be considered as an innovation in the emerging electronic commerce industry. Linking as what was specified in the article made thinks easier for bigger websites such as e-bay to be viewed in by a lot people. Summing up the intention of Bidders Edge, we could conclude that what the company did is to provide the buyer’s the best price possible for anything that they want to buy. In the process, Bidder’s Edge would obtain choices from various auction sites which consequently included e-bay. I believe that this one mattered to e-bay not entirely on the sense that Bidders Edge would trespass per se on e-bay servers but the latter would serve as a threat for e-bay in the future. Simply put, traditional trespass involves the manipulation, distribution, or access of private data or property without the approval of its owner. In this particular case, e-bay is a public domain with open access to everyone who has internet access. On the other hand, personal property means that anything that is movable as distinguished from real estate. In the case of e-bay and Bidders Edge, the latter did request fro legal access but was denied by the former. One thing where Bidders Edge made a wrong move was when they created proxy users in order to access e-bay servers thereby giving in legal grounds for e-bay to file a lawsuit under the provisions of California state laws on intellectual property infringements against Bidders Edge. Under California state laws, â€Å"Various things can be copyrighted: literature, drama, music, sound recordings, computer software, advertising copy, motion pictures, choreography, pantomimes, and architectural works†(Witkin, Witkin Legal Institute., West Group., 2005). This gives e-bay the basis to file suit against anyone who intends unauthorized use of their servers. This is in contrast with the usual textbook definition that trespass to personal property may be altered if the medium may be proven as a public domain. Reference: Witkin, B. E., Witkin Legal Institute., West Group. (2005). Summary of California law (10th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Witkin Legal Institute.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Womens Heart Health Promotion in New Zealand

Womens Heart Health Promotion in New Zealand Karenne Melo Rosarie Ann Nicole Trespeces Joanne Tolentino Fight Against Heart Disease in Women: A Health Promotion Plan Health Promotion is the process of enabling people to have a control over their wellbeing—physical, emotional, socio-cultural and spiritual. Without encouragement from health professionals, improvement of health and reduction of the incidence of illnesses and disabilities is impossible to attain. Thus, health strategies in promoting health must take priority. In this paper, a health promotion plan on Heart Disease in Women, which is one of the objectives of the New Zealand Health strategies will be presented. New Zealand has a growing frequency rate of heart disease mainly because of its rising population, an ageing population and lifestyle variations such as smoking, having secondary lifestyle or physical inactivity and changes in diet. According to the Ministry of Health (2014), heart disease is the number one cause of mortality in New Zealand and is responsible for 30% death cases per year. One dies from heart disease every 90 minutes, giving a total number of 16 deaths per day in New Zealand. The Health Strategy for New Zealand gives a background for the health sector to inflate the total health status of New Zealanders and to lessen inequalities amongst New Zealanders. The unequal distribution of social determinants in terms of age, sex, hereditary factors, financial, education, occupation and housing conditions are associated with health inequalities. According to Ministry of Health (2012), â€Å"addressing these social determinants of inequalities requires a total health approach that takes justification and explanation of all the influences on health and in what way they can be commenced to improve overall health status. This method necessitates both intersectoral action that addresses the social and economic determinants of health and action within health and disability services.† Ministry of Health (2012), recommend philosophies in health that should be applied to any activities to safeguard inequalities in health in those activities. In the proposed framework, it includes making and imposing extensive strategies which are the following: Structural – social, financial, national and historical health inequalities root grounds identification Intermediary pathways – comprises psychosocial and behavioral factors that intercede the influence of structural factors on health Health and disability services – it is a thorough actions undertaking Impact – on socioeconomic situation minimization (MOH, 2012) Further, the key to Health Promotion here in New Zealand is the founding document of the Treaty of Waitangi. It is an agreement between the relationship of the Crown and the Maori. The crown represents the non-Maori people and the New Zealand government. The treaty of Waitangi is a document that provides the framework of Maori and non-Maori health development and well-being. This is to ensure that both parties are equally respected in terms of providing their health care needs. Also, to reduce the incidence of inequities between the Maori and Non-Maori, it is very important to acknowledge the Treaty of Waitangi and the treaty principles which is participation, partnership and protection. In participation, it emphasizes the involvement of Maori in planning, monitoring and evaluating programs. While the principle of partnership, refers to the relationship of Maori and non-Maori in making health plan, policies and programs. In making all these strategies and health promotion, it is important to include the principle of protection. This is to ensure that the interest of the Maori is protected and both Maori and Non-Maori have equal health status and outcomes (Ministry of Health, 2003). Moreover, the Ottawa Charter was first created during the first international conference on Health Promotion which was held in Ottawa, Canada in November, 1986. It is the key founding document of health promotion in New Zealand. This framework has provided a useful tool guide for actions and implementation of health promotion (Ministry of Health, 2003). Health Promotion Plan on Women’s Heart Disease The annual plan includes assessment, prevention and control programs, monitoring and evaluation, indirect management and administrative operations. Goal: The program aims to reduce the incidence of Women’s heart disease and control its complications by ensuring that Women in New Zealand have opportunities to access the health services/ programs. General Objectives: To conduct health assessment of women who are at risk for developing heart disease; To implement prevention and control program, such as eat well and be heart healthy, stretch and sweat, and fight against tobacco related death; To monitor and evaluate improvement of health and effectiveness of programs; To ensure practitioners are skilled and well-trained to be efficient in providing health promotion campaigns and education; To support operations in the conduct of the programs; Health Control and Prevention Programs Title: How’s your heart? Heart disease assessment and education Rationale: Screening tests and knowledge on heart disease are the keys to prevent cardiovascular disease (American Heart Association, 2014). Regular screening tests should begin at age 20 because this would serve as an eye-opener for women to modify their lifestyle or make necessary changes to prevent development of heart diseases. Education provides knowledge to women on how to make heart healthy and how to prevent heart diseases Goal: To provide free heart screening services in public health hospitals or centers monthly and provide regular health education campaigns and educational materials such as brochures, flyers, posters, pamphlets. Target population: Women living in New Zealand starting age 20. Strategies: Actions: Communicate and ask support to the Ministry of Health and Board of Trustees of the hospital for the implementation of the program, Involvement of Maori, Pacific, and other locals or migrants to support, contribute and participate in program development. Range of Activities: Vital screening tests are blood pressure, body weight, Fasting Lipoprotein Profile (cholesterol and triglycerides), blood glucose. Health Education Settings: Public Health Hospitals and Community Health Centers for the screening, University and Workplace for Education and a door-to-door campaign Title: Eat well and be heart healthy Rationale: Improving nutrition to reduce the prevalence of weight gain or obesity, a precursor to heart disease takes priority and be addressed (Willett, Koplan, Nugent, Dusenbury, Puska, Gaziano, 2006). In New Zealand, obesity is also one of the targets Health Strategies. Goal: To ensure mothers’/ women’s class shall be conducted to provide adequate knowledge on proper diet and menu preparation. Target population: Women living in New Zealand starting age 20. Strategies: Actions: Communicate and ask support to the Ministry of Health and Community authorities for the implementation of the program, Involvement of Maori, Pacific, and other locals or migrants to support, contribute and participate in program development. Range of Activities: Healthy food policy development, Food diary and menu planning, Health Education Settings: Public Health Hospitals and Community Health Centers, University and Workplace for Education and a door-to-door campaign Title: Stretch and Sweat Activities Rationale: Sedentary activity among women is known to be a major risk factor in developing heart disease next to smoking. In the year 2009, 246 New Zealanders had premature death caused by lack of physical activity). Failing to do physical inactivity can highly contribute to another risk factor like high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Sedentary activities may lead to poor health outcomes (Auckland Council, Waikato Regional Council, and Wellington Regional Strategy Committee, 2013). Evidently, active physical activities are beneficial to maintain a good health. It is helpful for maintaining a healthy heart and body. It is not only considered to be a preventive measure, but also a treatment itself (Auckland Council, Waikato Regional Council, and Wellington Regional Strategy Committee, 2013). According to Heart Foundation (2004), active physical activity can reduce up to 50% of incidence and fatality rate of heart disease. While, those with existing heart disease will have 25% decrease chance of dying from another heart attack. Goal: To incorporate 30 minutes of moderate to intense physical activities into the daily activities of women at least 5-7 times a week (Heart Foundation, 2004). Target Population: To achieve a maximum health benefit, it is important for people to be physically active. According to Active New Zealand Survey (2015), they identified that women are most likely to be inactive than men. This is due to the different factors that hinder them from participating in any physical activities. As stated by the World Health Organization (2015), lower income of women may be a barrier to access physical activity. Aside from that, women have limited time to engage in physical activities because of their caregiving roles at home. Strategies: Actions: Communicate and ask support to the Ministry of Health and Community authorities for the implementation of the program, Involvement of Maori, Pacific, and other locals or migrants to support, contribute and participate in program development. Range of Activities: Free yoga every Tuesday and Thursday morning and afternoon, Free Zumba class during weekends, Fun run activities and bike and hike activities Settings: Parks and open fields Title: Fight against Tobacco related death Rationale: According to the Ministry of Health, the main cause of avoidable morbidity and mortality in New Zealand is tobacco use. It is responsible for an estimated 4,300 to 4,600 deaths per year and it contributes considerably in the development of some heart disease. Tobacco consumption is one of the health inequalities in New Zealand as increased smoking incidence are seen amongst groups that have low income. On the other hand, approximately 1.3 billion individuals uses tobacco worldwide and it causes five million premature deceases annually. At the present stage, it is responsible for the mortality ratio of one in ten adults worldwide. As per WHO (2014), tobacco usage will result in to 10 million deaths annually by year 2020 if present patterns remain. Goal: The three key objectives of tobacco control strategies are to lessen initiation of smoking, to double the likelihood of quitting and to lessen the exposure to second- hand smoking. Target Population: The no smoking strategies are intended to become routine practice for all health care workers in connection to those individual who smoke. Nevertheless, within the population of individual who consumes tobacco there are specific target population. These are Maori and Pacific people as these population display considerably increase incidence of tobacco use compare to other population. New Zealand Health Survey 2013, found out that Maori women were two times probable to be a smoker in comparison in women in entire population while both Maori and Pacific men were 1.5 times probable to be smoker in comparison in the entire population. Another important target population are parents’ ages 15 to 45 years of age. Helping parents to stop smoking is vital to further lessening smoking initiation by children and young age. Strategies: Actions: Communicate and ask support to the Ministry of Health and Community authorities for the implementation of the program, Involvement of Maori, Pacific, and other locals or migrants to support, contribute and participate in program development. Range of Activities: Health Education, Smoke free celebration activities, individualized quit smoking plan, house-to-house monitoring, also promotion of nicotine replacement therapy. Nicotine Replacement Therapy comes in five forms that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These are nicotine patches (transdermal nicotine system), nicotine gum (nicotine polacrilex), nicotine nasal spray, nicotine inhalers and nicotine lozenges.These are locally available which can be consumed for eight weeks, and double the chances of quitting as these will diminish smoking cravings without affecting one’s health. Monitoring and Evaluation: Each program must be monitored and evaluated whether effective or not in order to modify the program and conduct research studies on how to improve health. Indirect management and administrative operations: Attendance to meetings, convention, trainings, and summit is very important to ensure that the practitioners are skilled and effective in promoting health on heart disease. Support to operations: The funding and budget allocated for the health programs, which includes the education and campaign materials By and large, health promotion is critical in the health care delivery system, and that must be practiced to prevent or eradicate onset of diseases. Further, the involvement and consultancy of the people in the community in the development of programs are extremely significant to identify health threats and problems properly, and make necessary intervention programs tailored to their needs. Consequently, would address and prevent health inequalities and improve health outcomes. References Auckland Council, Waikato Regional Council, Wellington Regional Strategy Committee. (2013). Information for General Practice on Physical Activity and Heart Disease. Retrieved on March 30, 2015, from Active New Zealand Suvey. (2015). Part 1: How active are we? how active do we want to be? Retrieved on March 30, 2015, from American Heart Association. (2014). Heart-Health Screenings. Retrieved on March 30, 2015 from Heart Research Institute. (2013). Heart Disease in New Zealand. Retrieved on March 18, 2015, from Heart Foundation. (2004). Information for General Practice on Physical Activity and Heart Disease. Retrieved on March 30, 2015, from Ministry of Health. (2003). A Guide to Developing Health Promotion Programmes in Primary Health Care Settings. Retrieved on March 31, 2015, from Ministry of Health. (2013). Implementing the ABC Approach for Smoking Cessation. Retrieved on March 18, 2015, from Ministry of Health. (2013). Reducing Inequalities in Health. Retrieved on March 18, 2015, from Quitline. (2013). Nicotine patches, gum and lozenges. Retrieved on March 18, 2015, from Willett, W.Koplan, J.Nugent, R.Dusenbury, C.,Puska, P. Gaziano, T. (2006). Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries 2nd ed. Retrieved March 29, 2015 from World Health Organization. (2015). Physical Activity and Women. Retrieved on March 30,2015, from World Health Organization. (2015). Health Promotion. Retrieved on March 30, 2015, from World Health Organization. (2014). Why is tobacco a public health priority? Retrieved on March 18, 2015, from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

History of Civil Rights | Essay

History of Civil Rights | Essay Racism entails the belief that some races are more superior to others in society. From as early as the colonial era, racism in the United States of America has been a major issue. Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Mexican Americans, American Jews, Irish Americans and some other immigrant groups and their descendants were all considered as the minority groups. Racism has many forms. However, no one is born a racist. This develops from the environment from which our children grow into. Racism in the United States of America has been a major issue ever since the slave and the colonial era. Legally endorsed racial discrimination imposed a grave burden on African Americans, Native Americans, Mexican Americans, and Asian Americans. European Americans were from the beginning at an advantage since the American law favored them in matters of voting rights, literacy standards, immigration, land acquisition, citizenship, and criminal procedure over periods of time extend from as early as the 17th century to the 1960s. Majority of the European ethnic groups, particularly Eastern Europe, Irish Americans, American Jews, Southern European immigrants, in addition other immigrants, suffered discrimination and other kinds of racism in American society. The major racially structured institutions at the time included Indian wars, slavery, segregation, Native American reservations, internment camps and residential schools (for Native Americans. In America, official racial bias was largely prohibited in the mid-20th century; moreover, it came to be viewed as socially intolerable. However, racial politics remained a major phenomenon in American territory. Historical racism up to date has continued to be perceived in socio-economic inequality. Nevertheless, racial stratification continued to take place in all avenues in our society including government, housing, employment, housing, lending and education sectors. As is the case in most countries, many people in the United States of America continue to harbor some discrimination against individuals from other races. Discrimination infiltrates almost all aspects of life in the United States of America, and it further extends to all communities of color. SLAVERY Slavery in the United States was a kind of forced labor that existed in North America as a legal institution for over a century. This was before the United States was founded in the year 1776. Later on, slavery began to spread to the south. This continued until the thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution was passed in 1865. The first lot of Africans to land in the United States was brought into North America in 1619. The ship docked in Virginia carrying about 20 Africans. This was the beginning of slavery in America. Slavery gradually spread into areas with good fertile soils where large plantations of high value cash crops were being grown. The key crops being grown were sugar, Cotton, coffee and tobacco. During the 18th century, legislatures and colonial courts had radicalized slavery. Fundamentally this created a caste system in which slavery applied exclusively to Black Africans and other people of African origin. However, Native Americans were also occasionally turned into slaves. Between the 16th à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 19th centuries, more than 12 million Africans had been shipped into America to become slaves to the Americans. By the 19th century, majority of the slave holders were located in South Americas where the land was more fertile. The African slaves were managed by overseers who were usually white Americans. Slavery was a touchy subject in the politics of the United States of America between 1770s-1860s. Thus it became a matter of discussion in the drafting of the American Constitution. Moreover, it became a key issue in Federal legislation and Supreme Court cases. Slaves resisted the legalization of slavery and the whole institution that supported it. To show their dismay, they held rebellions and non-compliance. In addition, they escaped slavery by travelling to non-slave states and Canada. This was made possible by the Underground Railroad. Activists of abolitionism were constantly engaged in political and moral debates in an effort to encourage the creation of Free Soil states as Western expansion proceeded. Slavery was a major subject that led to the start of the American Civil War. Once the Union won the war, slavery became illegal throughout the United States of America. In addition, the country adopted the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. B. Freedom Fighters Once slavery was abolished, African American people began to rise into positions of power in America. Some of them are discussed below. Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr was not only an American clergyman and activist but also a prominent leader in the African American Civil Rights Movement. He is famous for his contribution to the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world. He advocated for the use of non violent methods with regards to Mahatma Gandhi. He is also famous for being a Nobel peace laureate in 1964 for his work to end racial segregation and discrimination using non violent means. When he was assassinated in 1968, he was posthumously honored the Presidential Medal of Freedom. This was in 1977 and in 2004; he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. In the year 1986, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a U.S. federal holiday. 2. Autherine Lucy Foster Autherine Lucy Foster went down in history as the first black student to ever attend the University of Alabama. At the time, university policies prohibited her from attending the university since she was black. She therefore approached the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) for assistance. Court proceedings began on July 1953 and on June 29, 1955, the NAACP secured a court order preventing the University from turning down the admission applications of Lucy and her friend based upon their race. Few days later, the court amended the decision to apply to all other African-American students who were seeking admission in the university. The Supreme Court upheld this in Lucy v. Adams on October 10, 1955. The university reluctantly allowed Lucy to register, however, she was excluded from all dormitories and dining halls. On February 3, 1956, Lucy enrolled as a graduate student in library science, becoming the first African American to ever get admitted to a w hite public school or university in the state. However, things were not smooth sailing for Lucy since on the third day of classes, a hostile mob gathered to keep her from attending her classes. The police intervened however that evening Lucy was suspended from university on grounds that she disrupted the peace in the university. She filed suit against the university and as a result, they expelled her on grounds that she slandered the university reputation after decades of law suits, the University overturned her expulsion. This was in 1980, and in 1992, she finally earned her Masters degree in Elementary Education from the University. The University named a scholarship in her honor as well as unveiled a portrait of her in the student union. The inscription on it reads Her initiative and courage won the right for students of all races to attend the University. 3. Ida B. Wells- Barnet Ida Bell Wells-Barnett (July 16, 1862 March 25, 1931) was an African American female news paper editor and journalist. Her husband, Ferdinand L. Barnett, was the newspaper owner as well as an early civil rights movement leader. Ida documented the extent of killings that were being executed in the United States. She was also dynamic in the womens rights movement as well as the womens suffrage movement in America. Since she was little, she was aggressive in her demands for equality and justice for African-Americans. She always maintained that the African-American community could only gain justice through its own determination and efforts. Since her death, in March 25, 1931, the significance of her life as well as her legacy has greatly grown. Her life story has been the subject of a extensively performed musical drama, which debuted in 2006, by Tazewell Thompson. In history, she is labeled the woman who was at one time born in slavery yet she grew to overcome all odds and become one of the great pioneer activists of the Civil Rights Movement in America. III. Civil Rights Movements in the United States Brown vs. Board of Education Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka was a land mark decision made by United States Warren Supreme court on May 17, 1954. The land mark declared the previous state laws that ensured the establishing separate public schools for white and black students were unconstitutional. This court ruling overturned the Ferguson vs. Plessey decision of 1896 which advocated for state-sponsored segregation. The court decision stated that separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. As a result, de jure racial segregation was declared a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States constitution. This ruling paved the way for integration of all people irrespective of their race and civil rights movement. B. Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance began as a result of changes that had occurred in the African American community since slave was legally abolished. These changes were further hastened by the outcome of World War I. another catalyst to the movement was the great social and cultural changes that occurred in early 20th century in the United States. Industrialization was attracting people to urban areas from the rural areas and as a result, this gave rise to a new mass culture. Some of the contributing factors that lead to the Harlem Renaissance were the First World War, which had produced new industrial employment opportunities for hundreds of thousands of people and the Great Migration of African Americans to northern cities in America. This in turn led to the concentration of ambitious people in areas where they could hearten each other. Thus, the movement emerged stronger and more determined than ever. Harlem is a section of New York City. In the early 1900s, mostly in the1920s and early 1930s, African American literature started to thrive in Harlem. The New Negro movement, the New Negro Renaissance, and the Negro Renaissance were names referring the African American movement that was aimed at fighting for the blacks rights in America. This movement came forward towards the end of the First World War in 1918. The Harlem Renaissance marked the crucial moment in American history when the mainstream writers and critics took African American literature seriously. This is because; they realized that African American literature and arts was gaining significant attention from the world as a whole. Although it was mainly a fictional movement, it was very much related to progress in African American theater, music, politics and art. The Harlem Renaissance seemed to be the best of times for America to recognize and appreciate the African American people. The Harlem renaissance main objective was to fight for equality. However, once the great depression came about, the Harlem renaissance collapsed. Conclusion The election of Barrack Obama as a US president was a major milestone in the history of the United States. Being an African American, it was the peoples way of telling the world that the end of the dark ages of racism in America had come. People like martin Luther King Jr. dreamt of the day all Americans would accept each other and learn to live together in harmony. Finally this dream is slowly becoming a reality. Racism is a global harm on society, yet with persistence equality can be made.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Midsummer Nights Dream :: essays research papers

Midsummer Night’s Dream Questions and Answers 1. What does Shakespeare accomplish by setting most of the action at night and in the wood? Explain thoroughly. Use examples. Setting most of the action at night and in the woods creates a dreamlike world. There is no other place that holds more myth than the forest. Obernon makes clear that nighttime is fairies’ time. Theseus, who is present during the daylight, represents reason.The visions of fairies and magic are all related to the nighttime forest setting. Shakespeare was interested in how dreams worked, in how the events in the play transpired, and how time seems to change and loses track. Throughout the entire play, the young lovers are overcome by the magical power of the woods. They are put into a situation that is unrealistic which leads to bizarre mishaps. Even uncanny incidents happen to the fairies of the woods. Titania is put under a love spell and falls in the love with the ass-headed Nick Bottom. Puck reminds us in the end that if the play has offended anyone, they should simply remember it as being a dream. This helps make the play an incredible occurrence, rather than an intense dra ma. 2. Explain how Theseus represents the voice of reason and moderation. Be specific. Use examples and quotes (include act and line numbers) Theseus represents the voice of reason and moderation in the play because he seems to be the only normal character left. He only appears in the play during the daytime, when nothing magical occurs. He is the only character who shows complete sanity in the dreamlike fantasy world around him. He is the Duke of Athens so many people come to him with their problems. When Egeus comes to Theseus about the problem he is having with his daughter, Hermia, Theseus takes power over the situation. He explains to Hermia that if she goes against her father’s rules, by his words, she will be sentenced to death or sent to a convent. (Act 1, Scene 1, Pages 4 and 5, Lines 30-34). He states, â€Å"For you, fair Hermia, look you arm yourself to fit your fancies to your father’s will; Or else the law of Athens yields you up,- which by no means we may extenuate,- to death, or to a vow of single life.† Hermia is so in love that she can not make a reasonable decision, so she runs off in to the imaginative woods with Lysander.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Christmas Carol Essay -- English Literature

A Christmas Carol In a Christmas Carol, Dickens uses some of his past childhood experiences to show us that Christmas is very important and many messages come across in this book. It is split up into five ‘staves.’ The reason that they are staves instead of chapters as staves are used in music and it is called a Christmas ‘carol.’ In most cases, when people hear the word ‘Christmas’, we think of a time for giving and sharing with people less fortunate, a time for being thankful for everything we have no matter how little or how big, a chance to spend time with the people we love, joking, laughing and smiling. Generally a good time is had by all. Possibly the only exception is Scrooge. Scrooge is a cruel, cold, heartless, unwelcoming character who changes his heart and mind at Christmas. What messages were given by Dickens about Christmas? Can we change our hearts and ourselves just like Scrooge? Scrooge is an elderly miser. He’s living in the Victorian times when it was quite different to how we live nowadays, especially at Christmas. When we wake up on Christmas morning, the first thing we want to do is open our presents hoping someone has remembered what we asked for, watch others open gifts we’ve bought, cram as much turkey down our throats as possible and have parties with friends and family. In the Victorian times, they celebrated the birth of Christ. Even the poor who had hardly anything thanked God for all that they had, even though it was so little. Most people spent time with their family, singing songs and eating lovely dinners. It was usually the best dinner of the year. Scrooge did none of this. He hated Christmas. Whenever anything was mentioned about the event, he usually replied ... ...the same as any other day. I like how Dickens used the repetitiveness of the word ‘melancholy,’ as it just highlights how sad, depressed and boring his evening is. You can just imagine the street at which he lives. People in all the houses are laughing, enjoying themselves, singing, spending time together, apart from one man. All Christmas decorations are put up and the rooms are all bright, cheery and warm apart from in one home – Scrooge’s! After reading the final part, Stave 5, our feeling towards Scrooge changes dramatically and we start to feel empathetic because of his changes. Just the first sentence in the 5th Stave shows something has changed. A Holophrastic phrase is exclaimed and it is a total change from the 1st Stave. It says ‘Yes!’ Although Scrooge doesn’t actually say it, it is a positive comment which we rarely saw in the first Stave.

The Articles of Confederation and the Bill of Rights :: American History Governmental Rights Essays

The Articles of Confederation 1776 brought a declaration of and a war for independence to Britain’s North American colonies. While they had all acted in concert to reach this decision, their memories of colonial life under the centralized British monarchy had lasting effect upon their views of what the federal government of their new republic would have the power to do. In the years following the Declaration of Independence, Congress came up with the Articles of Confederation to loosely govern the new republic at the federal level. 1781 found all 13 states ratifying the Articles of the Confederation as well as the conclusion of the War for Independence, with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Already, the weaknesses of the Articles of the Confederation were beginning to show.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every one of the 13 colonies suffered economic setbacks as a result of the War for Independence. Devalued American currency as a result of the Congress’ habit of printing new paper money to cover the new republic’s war debt and the British blockade created high prices for goods. The end of the war hardly helped the situation as Congress found itself powerless to levy taxes to pay off the war debt, powerless to regulate trade with other nations, and powerless to regulate workers wages and the price of goods.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This unregulated economic climate provoked citizens who were shouldering much of the debt as a result. Farmers of western Massachusetts who saw banks moving to foreclose on the mortgages of their farms demanded that the government do something to protect them in their time of financial need. They saw the lower legislative house of Massachusetts draft and approve a measure, which included relief measures for them. Under the influence of the farmers’ creditors, the upper house blocked the actions of the lower house, which further enraged these local farmers. In 1786, a captain of the old Continental army Daniel Shays, led 2000 armed farmers against the state government. They shut down county courts to prevent foreclosure proceedings on their farms, and marched on the Federal Arsenal at Springfield, evidently to properly arm themselves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eventually in 1787, the Massachusetts state militia put down the rebellion. Both sides in the mess were unhappy with the new republic’s role (or lack thereof) in the crisis. Farmers were unhappy that the government wasn’t taking steps to protect their property from creditors, and creditors were unhappy that the The Articles of Confederation and the Bill of Rights :: American History Governmental Rights Essays The Articles of Confederation 1776 brought a declaration of and a war for independence to Britain’s North American colonies. While they had all acted in concert to reach this decision, their memories of colonial life under the centralized British monarchy had lasting effect upon their views of what the federal government of their new republic would have the power to do. In the years following the Declaration of Independence, Congress came up with the Articles of Confederation to loosely govern the new republic at the federal level. 1781 found all 13 states ratifying the Articles of the Confederation as well as the conclusion of the War for Independence, with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Already, the weaknesses of the Articles of the Confederation were beginning to show.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every one of the 13 colonies suffered economic setbacks as a result of the War for Independence. Devalued American currency as a result of the Congress’ habit of printing new paper money to cover the new republic’s war debt and the British blockade created high prices for goods. The end of the war hardly helped the situation as Congress found itself powerless to levy taxes to pay off the war debt, powerless to regulate trade with other nations, and powerless to regulate workers wages and the price of goods.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This unregulated economic climate provoked citizens who were shouldering much of the debt as a result. Farmers of western Massachusetts who saw banks moving to foreclose on the mortgages of their farms demanded that the government do something to protect them in their time of financial need. They saw the lower legislative house of Massachusetts draft and approve a measure, which included relief measures for them. Under the influence of the farmers’ creditors, the upper house blocked the actions of the lower house, which further enraged these local farmers. In 1786, a captain of the old Continental army Daniel Shays, led 2000 armed farmers against the state government. They shut down county courts to prevent foreclosure proceedings on their farms, and marched on the Federal Arsenal at Springfield, evidently to properly arm themselves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eventually in 1787, the Massachusetts state militia put down the rebellion. Both sides in the mess were unhappy with the new republic’s role (or lack thereof) in the crisis. Farmers were unhappy that the government wasn’t taking steps to protect their property from creditors, and creditors were unhappy that the

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Language Analysis Bullying

Girls College wrote an opinion piece â€Å"It's time for us to take a stand†, which was published In the Breadboard Leader on the 9th of December, 2013, she contends In a critical and negative tone that the young people of Australia must stand up against the cruel, vindictive and cowardly practice of bullying. Elise explains how bullying has been around since the start of time, but social media is making acts such as bullying too easy for these bullies to argue their victims and little is being done about it.Stakeholders include friends, family, workers, schools, social media, victims, and the medical industry. The target audience for this text is the victims, to encourage them to stand up for themselves. Elise opens up the article in a serious and urgent tone, explaining how serious this really is, and how little Is being done about it, strongly suggesting something needs to be done now. Social Media sites such as Backbone and Twitter play a huge role In Weber bullying, they make millions of dollars In advertising and Elise explains how It Is only fair If they use some of the money to help stop the spellbinding that their platforms allow.She draws In the audience with a persuasive technique appealing them to fear by stating â€Å"it seems that not a month goes by when we don't hear another story of a teen somewhere overseas or in Australia that has taken their life due to the bullying that has occurred on line. † Another effective technique she has used is the use of rhetorical questions for example â€Å"Can we as young people sit idly y while these companies become indirectly wealthy from the misery they help create? Can parents knowingly let their children use websites that allow such cruel behavior to be facilitated? Elise continues to explain the causes of bullying with reason and logic, stating that most bullies are highly sensitive so they bully to avoid getting bullied themselves, and making them feel the bigger person, or to compensate for some short coming In their lives. She then explains In a call and clear tone how Important It Is for the parents to educate their children that bullying s not acceptable, suggesting how can the children take a stand for themselves if they have no guidance by their parents?Elise explains more in depth how the parents need to be educated themselves, so they can educate their children that the appalling behavior of bullying is wrong. The best way to stop bullying is to prevent it, and the parents and education department play a key role in that. She explains the effects of bullying in every aspect, not only the physical and emotional cost, but the financial cost too for example it costs the tax areas money every time they have to go to the doctor's surgery.She uses evidence and repetition as a persuasive technique that Is supporting her contention effectively. For example â€Å"Based on 2009 studies, 27 per cent of students In years four to nine are bullied regularly – let' s call It one In four students. Personally I am horrified by this statistic. One in four! ONE IN FOUR! † Elise closes the article with an for themselves. She says â€Å"Remember that we the good people outnumber the bullies. Don't let the unnecessary suffering continue. United we stand, divided they fall. In the visual piece of the text there is a photograph of a young child with innocent eyes looking right up at you, with his hands up showing the words written across them â€Å"stop bullying†. The camera is angled in front and above the boy, creating a dominating effect, making the boy look more vulnerable, innocent and weak. It is a simple but powerful photograph taken by James Luckier. The effects on the stakeholders such as the victims of bullies sends out a message to them to take a stand for themselves.The effect on the bullies is that they would hopefully feel bad for what they do and actually consider thinking about stopping. In conclusion, Elise uses many diff erent techniques and tones in this argument, with a lot of logic and evidence to support her main points, so overall this is an effective persuasive piece, leaving the audience convinced to take a stand. We outnumber the bullies, they are truly the weak ones. Target audience – young people themselves, taking a stand Stakeholders – friends, family, workers, schools, social media, victims, medical industry

Friday, August 16, 2019

How People Handle Grief Essay

Grief can be elucidated as a natural human reaction to loss. People in different stages of their life span undergo with grief when there is a major loss (Linda, 2000). People usually assume of grief as happening in the perspective of bereavement, death of a loved one, a close relationship ends through separation, or when a person is enforced to give up some facet of life that was imperative. This paper focuses on grief, which entails an entire range of emotions and experiences and various ways to deal with grief. Introduction Grief is a general attribute of human existence. It is not related to specific culture, though it is experienced by humans in varied form and intensity. Robert Burton described grief as a ‘cruel torment’. Scientifically, it is first described as people who had suffered sadness under traumatic circumstances, or who had looked for psychiatric assistance to overcome troubles linked with grief. Grief can be experienced under two broad circumstances, one, when a sudden and traumatic death of a dependent relationship, it involved strong and prolonged mournful and the other, related with the repression of throbbing thoughts or with an bitter relationship, involved deferred grief. When grief is experienced under traumatic circumstances it is labeled as a post-traumatic stress disorder. It exhibits severe and exaggerated types of grief responses such as severe depression or pronounced panic or anxiety, can lead to a psychiatric diagnosis (Kim and Jacobs, 1993; Prigerson, 1994). Robert Burton highlighted that grief can have adverse effect on health, and gave reference to examples of historical figures who lost their life because of grief, such as the Roman Emperor Severus (Archer, pg-3). Dealing with grief The concept of grief is usually understood when it is triggered by a specific loss that is why resolution can only be attained through a long and intricate process of face up to thoughts of the loss, and that there are no easy ways to come up from grieving state. Grieving people mull over their loss in thought, and since its cause is a specific event, therefore it subsides over a period of time. Cobb and Lindemann (1943) wrote, â€Å"It seems that the grieving person can delay his grieving period but not avoid it† (Archer, pg: 108). There are individual differences, so each person grieves in his own manner and take his own time to overcome. Grief period can be for one year, two years or still longer. During that period, person may be passing through a wave of grief. There are numerous ways to deal with grief. To deal with grief initially is to share one’s happening with others. It is important to express feelings through communication. A close friend or family member is ideal with whom the person can speak out his intense inner feelings and allow the tears to flow out. Tears can washout sadness along with anger, guilt, loneliness and exhaustion. Another influential way to deal with grief is to write a diary of event. For example, writing letters to deceased loved one, sharing regrets, things which could not be conveyed, feelings and what is missed. When it is difficult to live under grief due to great loss, person may join a support group. Loneliness may enhance bitter feelings and it takes time to come out from grief period. When a person adheres to some social group, he gets a chance to talk with others who understand and share the experience of grief and it will work as an effective medicine in healing grief. It is well understood that grief affects one’s mind, body and soul. To come out from grief situation, person must care for himself with a healthy diet, exercise and adequate sleep. If possible he may look for professional help. If the grief lasts longer than two months, one must talk to a doctor. Best way to cope up with grief situation is to pass time in useful manner such as reading literary or religious books, go to recovery programs, and enter therapy. Conclusion To sum up, Grief is a usual but sometimes a puzzling and irrepressible sentiment. To cope up with grief is a long, aching process. Grief is lessening when we give vent to it. Good cry always help to reduce sore feelings. In grief, source of the emotional feeling is clearly perceived as being external and not due to personal inadequacies so person can again enjoy living and loving, having good appetite back, the pain will weaken, and one will be able to have sound sleep. It is a universal truth that everybody experiences loss in his life and needs to find ways and means to deal with these feelings with a healthy approach. Work cited 1) Linda Goldman; Life & Loss: A guide to help grieving children. Philadelphia: Accelerated Development Inc. Year:2000. 2) John Archer; The Nature of Grief: The Evolution and Psychology of Reactions to Loss. Publisher: Routledge. Place of Publication: London. Publication Year: 1999. Page Number: 3.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Social Construction of the Amish Community

Sociology 1101 The Amish Community, an Example of Social Construction The Amish culture qualifies as an example of social construction because it is a belief that has important consequences for a large group of people. The people of the Amish community have specific rules they must follow. They believe that the outside culture has a morally polluting effect and that it promotes pride, greed, immorality and materialism. Some of the Amish beliefs include the concept that God will judge them on how well they have obeyed the church rules during their lifetime and that contact with the â€Å"outside world† makes it harder to obey their rules.This is the reason for their extreme isolation. Even though the Amish culture believes that the â€Å"outside world† has a polluting effect on them and their children, there is a time within the Amish community that the parents throughout the community allow their children to participate in events and activities that they usually wouldnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t be allowed to participate in. This time is referred to as Rumspringa. Rumspringa is also referred to as â€Å"running around† This is the term used to describe the period of adolescence Amish experience starting at around the age of sixteen.The parents of the children who choose to participate in this opportunity feel that their children cannot be shunned from the Amish community because they are not yet baptized and they are not yet under the authority of the church. Rumspringa helps the young adults to choose whether they want to join the church or not. The young adults can choose to join a youth group on the weekends usually. These different youth groups have different activities or events they participate in. There are two main groups; one considered the slower or plainer group and the other considered the faster group.The slower groups participates in activities such as volleyball games, and singing groups and are even sometimes supervised by adults while the fa ster group participates in parties and other activities considered less conservative. Although most people seem to think that the youth who participate in these groups are participating in heavy partying, drug use, premarital sex or other extreme behaviors this is usually not the case although these are not unheard of throughout the faster youth groups. The Amish community serves as an example of social construction because the ideas of this culture are passed along by xplaining each aspect of the community through personal interactions and friendships, people begin to believe these strict aspects are what are to be expected because so many other people of the Amish community are believing them and practicing them. Then the strict aspects of the Amish culture are eventually accepted and passed down from generation to generation. â€Å"The Amish people are direct descendants of the Anabaptists of the sixteenth century Europe. Anabaptism is the religion that came about during the ref ormation era.The term Anabaptist first started out as a nickname that meant re-baptizer, because this group rejected the idea of infant baptism, since an infant doesn’t yet have the knowledge of good and evil. The Anabaptists were seen as a threat to Europe’s religious and social institutions and were therefore persecuted. † The idea of Rumspringa first begins because of this specific aspect of the Amish culture, the belief that their children cannot be shunned by the Amish community because they are not old enough to know the difference between good and evil.This then allows the people of the Amish community to consider what the specific age of knowing good from evil is and then they present the specific idea of Rumspringa to the Amish culture. The Amish community passed through the three phases of Berger and Luckmann’s analysis by first; externalizing the ideas of the culture by putting an explanation of the ideas â€Å"out there† The Amish commun ity first presented the idea of Rumspringa to the entire community when they felt that their young adults should have a choice whether or not they wanted to continue to practice the Amish believes and pass them down to their children.Although it may seem that this act of Rumspringa is going completely against what the Amish community believes, the Amish parents do not encourage their youth to leave home and participate in sinful behaviors but they feel there must be at least some room for free choice in the decision to become Amish. Rumspringa was also explained as the time the Amish community allowed their young adult children to participate in youth groups that would lead them to finding a spouse and if this happened and the two young adults decided to get married their time of Rumspringa was over and they were now to be baptized.The second phase they passed their belief through is objectivation. This is the most crucial phase of construction. The strict rules of the Amish communi ty led the people of the Amish community to believe that being exposed to the outside world would pollute their minds. But, when the idea of Rumspringa was first put out there for people to consider, it showed that this would allow their children to participate in activities and groups that they were not usually allowing them too.At first the people of the Amish community felt this idea was crazy, but after it was explained that their children would not be shunned from the community because they had not yet been baptized and were not yet under the authority of the church and that their young adult children needed free choice in whether or not to continue the practices of the Amish culture, people began to really consider this idea. Many Amish families decided this was a good idea and began to practice this new belief.They felt this could actually help their family continue from generation to generation. The third phase of Berger and Luckmann is the phase of internalization. This new ly introduced belief of the Amish community was spreading quickly and more and more people began practicing this belief. More people of the Amish community began to involve this belief into their everyday lives because they felt this could lead their children to marriage and then they would soon be baptized and be considered under the authority of the church.People of the Amish community had children and has these children grew up they were introduced to the idea of Rumspringa and as these children grew into adults and had their own children they passed down the belief to their children and eventually the belief of Rumspringa throughout the Amish culture was now passed down from generation to generation religiously. Even though the idea of Rumspringa was doubted when it was first presented to the Amish community, the people of the Amish community began to actually consider the aspects of this new idea and realize this could help their children and even their families for generations .This is how the beliefs of the Amish community passed through the third phase of Berger and Luckmanns reality of construction. I believe that the beliefs of the Amish community could either be effectively challenged or accepted depending on the person who is examining and judging the culture. The Amish culture thoroughly explains each aspect of their culture and why they participate in each aspect. They have specific background information on why they now accept the idea of Rumspringa.I feel he Amish culture could also be effectively challenged because, even though the Amish culture presents their ideas of Rumspringa and explains that they feel this certain period of time in their children’s lives could effectively alter their lives for the better, this time doesn’t actually let their children move outside the community or even the home. The young adults of the Amish community don’t actually get to experience what it is like to live in a house where there is te levision or dress differently or even eat food they have never tried before.I feel the period of Rumspringa should be widened completely. The young adults should be able to spend six months to year physically living and working in a whole different world and this would actually allow them to make a completely honest choice about whether to join the Amish community church without the heavy influence of their parents. I feel this would effectively allow the young adults experience Rumspringa.